How To Define Keyword Relevancy For Your App

Sergey Sharov
ASO Notes
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2019

Very frequently we face the following question: how does one understand the way a search query is relevant for an application? The thing is that by answering this question, you can also answer others questions, as well, such as “Will the application grow by it, if it’s used in meta data?”, “Will it get to the top list or will remain far away from the top spots?”, “Should I buy motivated traffic for it or is it an unprofitable effort?”

You can trust your expert opinion or conduct a survey among your audience. You can also analyze your application’s feedback and find queries that reflect the issues that the users solved thanks to your app.

We want to share a simpler way that will save your time, especially with the initial iterations. It’s important to know that the top results of each query include applications that are most frequently installed by users via a respective keyword search. By the way, this is the principle, by which the top
results’ output by search queries works. That is, users vote for the application that is most relevant to the search query by installing it.

Hence, by researching the first 8–10 applications in the results output, you can say quite precisely whether that particular keyword matches your application. If it is a frequency request of a general sense that describes your market niche, it’s just enough to take a look at the category of applications added to the top list. If you have a Tool, but the top results include Games, don’t waste your time and precious meta data characters on this keyword search.

For example, you will never get applications for plane ticket purchase to a top list by adding the “airplane” keyword, and even if they get there with the help of motivated traffic, they will quickly fall below 10 th line without additional support. The first thing users look for using this keyword are game simulators.

The situation with the “adult games” keyword is similar, as it is often used to optimize applications for such categories as Casino and Card Games, although there are no applications from these categories in the top list by this search query.

However, if you think of a narrower keyword, consider studying your competitors that have similar functionalities and sit in the top spots — if you do have a direct competitor with a particular narrow feat, then this is your keyword.

Conclusion: users have already voted for the type of applications and functions they want to get for their search query, so make sure to listen to them closely more frequently.

