When Do You Have To Use Brand Name In Title

Sergey Sharov
ASO Notes
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2019

As you all know, application name is being indexed in both the App Store and Google Play. Plus, the name has the most significant weight, when indexed by a search engine — that is, when the application is ranged higher, if the keyword is placed in its title, rather than in the ‘keywords’ block, for example.

However, this is a rather short textual field. App Store provides only 30 characters, while Google Play provides 50 characters, so each of the characters becomes immensely precious.

What is usually featured in the title!? That’s right, the application’s brand name. Is it always so important to be included in the application title!? When can you sacrifice it!? Let’s figure out.

First of all, the decision regarding keeping or getting rid of the brand name in the title should be made for each country separately, because you can be very popular in one region and in the same time you can be absolutely obscure in another one.

Secondly, if you have a particular task of developing the brand in a region, have a separate budget for its promotion via advertising and PR channels, then this note is not exactly for you.

Then, who is this note meant for? Perhaps, for those, who have not the most famous brand in their region or those, who don’t have a direct goal of its development.

So, can you remove the brand name from the title in this case? It’s all fairly simple: in this case it is the same search query that should generate search traffic for you. Its placement in the title should be practical. If users in a particular market, potentially foreign for you, don’t know your brand or it is
difficult in writing, its traffic indicator is probably either very low or close to zero.

What can you do with the brand query in a case, when there is no practical value in expending additional characters in the title?

Here are some of the ways you can show up in the results by it:
- it could be in the seller’s name;
- you can move it to keywords and in some cases — to Subtitle.

In both cases, if the brand name is relatively unique, you will be first in search results.

If you want the user to understand what the brand is during the first interaction with the application in the store, there are the following ways:
- placing it on the icon;
- placing it additionally on screenshots.

How do you solve this issue? Share in comments. Thank you!

