5 Powerful Ways to Get More Organic Installs for Android & iOS Apps

The SmartWare
Published in
7 min readApr 20, 2020
5 Powerful Ways to Get More Organic Installs

1. ASO for boosting Organic App Installs.

What is ASO?

ASO is known as App Store Optimization, it is similar to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which is for website optimization, and ASO is for App Store Optimization for your mobile device or tablet apps.

ASO will help you in the long term. ASO helps to improve app visibility which helps when a user is searching or browsing some app on app stores such as Google Play Store is for Android Apps, App Store is for iOS Apps and last but not least Windows Store is for your Windows Phone Apps. ASO increases your app traffic organically and also improves your app downloads.

Why is ASO important?

ASO helps your app to rank higher on all app store’s search results. Whenever a user is looking for an app he searches for that word on the app store search bar and the result which is shown on the top he chooses to download that app.

In ASO relevant keywords play a very important role in app store search ranking. Always add keywords that are relevant to your app, adding in-relevant or wrong keywords is really harmful to your app. It is like not having your app rank at all. Users will not take interest or download your app if it is something else that they are looking for.

That’s because people don’t usually scroll through all the search results. People want to see relevant results right away. A winning ASO strategy ensures that your app shows up in those first few prized result positions for relevant searches.

Keep in mind that having your app rank for the wrong app store keywords is almost as harmful as not having your app rank at all. People are not going to be interested in your app when it’s irrelevant to their search.

On both iOS App Store and Google Play Store has more than 5 million apps. You have to face very tough competition in terms of ranking or getting more traffic & downloads on your app.

The main purpose of App Store Optimization is to get more downloads and increase the number of users. If your app has more downloads it will increase the chance to find your app easily by visitors.

According to Apple reach engaged users at the exact moment they’re searching for your app:

70% App Store visitors who use search to find apps.

App Store data from all available countries and regions (excluding China), 2018 | Source: Apple

65% Downloads that occur directly after a search on the App Store.

App Store data from all available countries and regions (excluding China), 2018 | Source: Apple

50% Apple Search Ads’ average conversion rate.

App Store data from all available countries and regions (excluding China), 2018 | Source: Apple

BONUS: Are you still struggling to optimize (ASO) your app listing in Google Play Store (Android) or Apple App Store (iOS) so as to improve your conversion rate (CTR) or maybe installation rate. Don’t worry, we will surely help you in App Store Optimization, just hire an ASO specialist from ASOeShop and must try these growth hacking proven ASO Services now.

2. Asking users for App Reviews and Ratings.

App Reviews and Ratings play a very important role in organic app downloads/installs. More positive reviews and 5 star ratings will give your app visitors a positive mindset to download the app, it also increases the trust factors.

Getting Reviews and Ratings is one of the most difficult processes to do, you have to remind your app users to review and rate your app again and again in some intervals because if you ask your users to review and rate your app daily they will get annoyed and it is possible that they will also uninstall your app.

Tip: You can give a reminder on every new update after a user uses your app 5 minutes or so. You can create a pop-up CTA where you can give 3 options-

  1. Rate Now
  2. Remind Me Later
  3. No, thanks
For Example

It will decrease the chances of uninstalling and increases the chance of getting reviews and ratings smartly.

It is very important to ask your app users to give reviews and ratings, you should ask your users for reviews and ratings when they reached a high point, for example:

  • If your app is a ‘Music Listing App’ then you can ask your user to rate your app after he purchases a subscription for your app.
  • If your app is a ‘Gaming App’ then you can ask your user to rate your app after he purchases any in game product or virtual coins or after they unlock a new achievement. (as we all know Pubg is the most popular game right now, in this game you can buy skins, clothes, etc after purchasing in game cash called UC with your real) after a successful purchase, you can ask for reviews and ratings.

Tip: This is the best time to ask your users to rate your app.

And still, you are facing problems or you want more positive reviews and ratings for your app. You can get real app ratings and get real app reviews which will boost your app ratings and reviews and give your app more organic installs.

3. Is it really important to have Social Media Accounts for your App?

Social Media Marketing is a very important mobile app marketing strategy, which helps your app in improving brand awareness.

Let’s analyze some data:

The total number of Worldwide Population? 👇

The total number of Worldwide Population is 7.6 billion. On the internet has more than 4.54 billion users, and around 3.725 billion active social media users.

The above data is as of 2019.

How many social media accounts one person have? 👇

Today on an average people have 7.6 social media accounts (which means that one person has around 7 or 8 social media accounts on an average).

The above data is as of 2019.

How much time does a person spend on a day on social media?👇

People spend an average time of 142 minutes on average daily on social media.

The above data is as of 2019.

This data shows that social media is the biggest market to promote your app. You need to have social media accounts for your app which will increase the number of people who will talk about your app.

Popular Social Media Platforms For Your App:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Snapchat
  • and more.

4. Ask people to share your app with their friends?

An effective way to get more traffic on your App is by ‘Sharing’.

Sharing is a very effective and easy way to get more traffic which can later turn into Installs. You can ask your friends and family to share your App with all their friends and family.

Another effective sharing strategy is to reward your users for their shares or invites.

You can offer a reward or some cash for sharing or inviting their friends for downloading your app. And you can also ask them to give a positive review and rating to your app. This strategy is a win-win for everyone, You (as an app owner) will get some downloads and the person who shares your app will get a reward for doing this.

5. Get the media attention about your app to get more organic installs.

Media attention is also a very good source to get more organic traffic and installs. There are so many ways to get media attention, one of them is Press Release.

Press Release: The entire purpose of a press release is to get noticed by the target audience and get coverage. Press Release can be written, an event, etc, the purpose behind this is communication and information. Press Release is announcing your app (it can be Business, Service or Product also) in a very newsworthy way possible.

Newsworthy Information? 👇

Newsworthy Information?

🕺 5 Ways to Get More Organic App Installs, 🙏 Thanks for reading this blog post..!

Source: https://asoeshop.com/blog/94/5-ways-to-get-more-organic-app-installs

