Where, How & Why should you Buy Keyword Installs / Buy Search Installs.

The SmartWare
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2019

Where, How & Why should you Buy Keyword Installs?

Ever wondered after you launched an app in Google Play Store people are not taking interest in your app by installing it in their device — why? Also, there are other similar android apps and iOS apps available in the market which are not better than yours but are getting better reviews and a huge number of installs. You might be started to think that there is definitely some flaw in your application.

Answers of all the questions and doubts are lying in the app marketing/app promotion. Like other businesses here also the same rule is followed for the success of your iOS and android app — visibility is the key.

The question you may ask here is how you can increase the visibility of your app? Simple — just think like a real user. Imagine that you are looking for an app for ‘fitness strategies’ and installed one which has great reviews and thousands of users, right? Will you try an app that does not more than 500 users and no reviews? The answer is — No.

So, what did Google play do when you typed ‘fitness strategies’ into the search box (search result box)? It showed the apps with this keyword and displayed them according to the keyword ranking.

Can your app be the top of Google Play Store Ranking? Let us see how.

Why Buy Keyword Installs?

Google Play store works on the basis of CPI calculations for the ranking of the apps. There is an organic factor that affects the CPI calculations. If you buy keyword installs, the provider starts to promote the app by installing it. Once you reach a certain growth in terms of installs, within a short period of time, it starts to get more genuine installs and attract organic reviews. Once app installs are increased the organic factor gets also increased. Thus you start getting the top rankings in Google Play Store. It will increase your app overall traffic.

So, for the ranking of your app and make that visible, you should buy Real Keyword Installs.

How & Where To Buy Real Keyword Installs?

It is very easy but yer very important to buy keyword search installs. More than 65%of downloads come directly from the searches in app stores — according to Apple Research. You need to choose a service provider for keywords to install advertising campaigns.

If you purchase keyword installs, from reputed and trusted providers like ASOeShop the chances to boost your organic installs increases several times within a very short period of time.

If you are excited about generating good revenue from your app, it is very important to know that Google has a very strict rule of reviews and ratings for apps. So, mouth to mouth marketing is not enough to get reviews. You need to keyword install to get good app rankings in Google Play Store.

Source: Where, How & Why should you Buy Keyword Installs / Buy Search Installs

