A day in the life of… Marcus Anthony (Senior Business Analyst)

Marcus Anthony
4 min readJan 13, 2023


  1. My alarm clock goes off…

My alarm goes off at 6 am, I’m a morning person and usually have no issues rolling out of bed. I quickly get ready for the gym, I like to start my day with a workout I feel it helps the rest of my day fall in place

  1. I’m responsible for…

I’m a Senior Business Analysis which mean I wear many hats, but ultimately, I am responsible for the analysis and design our new automation and order management system here in Atlanta.

My role is focused on gathering requirements, modelling processes, and working with numerous teams to ensure the software we are building exceeds the needs of our end user.

  1. I got the job…

I was a Management Consultant previously and decided to take a year long sabbatical to travel and recharge, when all the fun and money came to an end haha, I decided it was time to return to work.

I had no clue what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to work in Tech and I wanted to work somewhere where I could bring my true self to work and I found ASOS by browsing LinkedIn. The rest is history, the interview process was great and after meeting the people at ASOS I knew this would be a place I could flourish.

  1. My typical day looks like…

I begin my day by responding to emails and checking my calendar to see what meetings I have and prioritize my work for the day. From here my days differ depending on where we are in the project lifecycle, but usually my team has a daily stand up to discuss progress the progress on work across the team.

After our daily stand up, this is where my day truly begins! Currently we are testing our order management system to verify that the software performs as expected. We usually meet for 3 hours and review product features, bugs and prioritize the next round of code changes.

After lunch is my focus time. I spend a lot of my time writing requirements, system specifications and prioritizing work on our backlog to deliver our order management system. When I’m in the office I like to use this time to catch up with teammates; usually by grabbing coffee or playing a few games of basketball.

  1. My evenings have me…

I’m an avid sports fan, so I spend my evenings watching and catching up on the latest NFL, NBA and Premier League news. And when I’m not watching sports, I’m usually eating so I try to find new recipes to cook or try out some of the great restaurants that Atlanta has to offer.

  1. My most memorable moment at ASOS

By far the ASOS party of 2021! As a US based ASOSer sometimes you feel far away from all the cool happenings around the company. So, me and my US teammates came to London for a week to get the true ASOS experience; working at GLH and meeting so many people across the company really made me feel a part of the global ASOS team.

  1. The best part of my job

Is solving problems for customers and developing products based on their needs. In my role that means developing an order management system that meets the needs of our 3rd party logistics provider and ASOS business strategy. To watch my idea, go from concept to design to solution and solve a real business problem is an exhilarating feeling for me.

  1. One new thing I have learnt in the last year…

Spanish. I started out wanting to learn some basic Spanish for a trip to Mexico City and enjoyed learning so I stuck with it and it has not only prepared me for my trip to Mexico but it has given me the confidence to communicate with native Spanish speakers at our fulfilment center and make new friends.

  1. My one piece of advice for aspiring women in tech…

Not a woman, but I will answer this as a minority in tech instead.

My one piece of advice to people of color aspiring to work in tech is to keep fighting and realize that you’ll have to kiss a lot frogs to find your prince haha. There will be a lot of people who tell you no and don’t think you can do the job based on their personal bias, but don’t let this discourage you. Use it as a motivation tool and once you find the right role for you, become the change you want to see.

  1. Fun fact

I’m a huge sneakerhead and I have a collection of over 115 pairs of sneakers

  1. To finish, give us a song that sums up working in ASOS Tech

If you know you know by Babyface Ray

