Karma and its Myths: A scientific view

Jennifer Ping (Modern Mystic)
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2018

Talk about karma and you’re going to have people think about past lifes, reincarnation, Buddhism or some form of reign. Bu what if I said there’s a more modernistic approach in viewing this thing we call karma.

With the discovery of quantum physics, we are fast discovering the connection between action and its resulting consequences on observation. What if KARMA is simply the basic law of cause and effect?

How does Karma work?

it’s often triggered by a particular set of believes which leads to action and resulting in a set reaction or result. It’s almost like a chemical chain reaction where you input x you are almost bound to get y.

Lets put this into more concrete psychological terms, A person experiencing a limiting belief of “not loved by others” will likely sabotage any potential relationship they have and reinforce that belief internally. Unless at some point they break that chain of thought or start believing otherwise, the “karmic” relationship it creates is their reality.

In someways, karma is a form of self fulfilling prophecy. We create these situations and often already have pre-existing expectations on outcome only to see ourselves reenact and manifest these in our lives.

No we can debate the origins of karma to past life or simply explain with existing life’s events that trigger it. Either ways, it doesn’t change our interaction with karma.

Fallacies of Karma — someone needs to be blamed

Probably one of the biggest misunderstandings of karma is the view of good and bad karma. This separation of duality is actually the root cause of poor interpretation and religious attempts to control the masses.

A deeper look into Karma

Ever wondered why church and state is often tied together and throughout histories we seen plenty of bloodshed and wars waged in the name of realign? It’s because its the easiest way to manipulate and convince people to behave and follow a set pattern. The populous wants a simple answer and the Top Dogs know just exactly what to give them. Hence karma becomes a tool of reward and punishment in the eyes of the everyday man. Create a set of rules and condition so that the people will govern themselves.

Is bad really all that bad?

This notion of justice is a man made concept for the very simple reason, good and bad are relative and can always be argued from different perspectives. If time is infinite, and life is cyclical, then is death really as “bad” as people think? Or is loss always “bad” thing if it helps a person cherish more of their immediate present? These questions of relativity blur the line of good and bad and asks people to think beyond this simple black and white dynamic of truth.

Remove the social context and what we get is the simplest idea of choice and consequence as well as cause and effect. An action with a inevitable reaction, how much more scientific can this be?



Jennifer Ping (Modern Mystic)
Writer for

Exposing the darkness with the light of love. Creating a reality that is fitting for you. Awareness, perception, change, and growth. http://jenniferping.com