America’s Greatest Threat: A Nuclear Iran

Lindsey Graham
Aspen Ideas
2 min readAug 4, 2015


Last month, I joined Jeffery Goldberg in a conversation at the Aspen Ideas Festival to discuss America’s role in the world and my candidacy for President of the United States. I’m grateful for this opportunity to discuss this issue that is so important and relevant to our national security.

I believe that I’m ready to be Commander-in-Chief on day one. More than any other candidate, I have a deep understanding of the Middle East and the causes of destabilization in the region.

There is no substitute for hands-on experience, which is why I have visited the region over 30 times and have engaged directly with key leaders in Israel and the Arab world. I know them, and just as importantly, they know me.

As President I will work to create solutions that will fight against radicalization. ISIL represents a form of religion no one can live with.

A small schoolhouse in a remote region educating a young girl will do more damage to radical Islam than a 500-pound bomb.

If you ask me of all the threats that keep me up at night, which is the greatest, I’d say Iran getting a nuclear weapon. The ISIL caliphate doesn’t represent a threat to the world order as much as a nuclear-armed Iran.

If you don’t get Iran right in terms of their nuclear ambitions and controlling their destabilizing influence, that is far more ominous to us than ISIL.



Lindsey Graham
Aspen Ideas

He’s a fighter who doesn’t back down from a challenge. A conservative who gets things done. A leader who puts our country above all.