10 Ways to Motivate Software Engineers and Dev teams

Ewelina Rzepka
Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2020

Software development is one of the most important and profitable areas of business nowadays. With new apps and other types of software coming out left and right at all times, it’s no wonder that more people decide to work in this industry. And make no mistake — this is an exciting field to work in, as many team members will share similar interests and a sense of purpose in their career pursuits. Nevertheless, the industry is very competitive, which may lead to burnout, which is simply another word for a loss of motivation.

  • Your skills as a team leader are crucial in keeping spirits up and maintaining your team’s productivity. Today we present ten methods to motivate Software Engineers and Dev teams.
  • You will learn how to ensure that your team is ready and raring to go in all the ways that matter.

As a dev team leader, a lot of the responsibility for keeping your team’s motivation up is left up to you. While this might seem like a simple task, since motivational factors are not hard to find, it’s important to distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. It’s the former — intrinsic motivation, which is the form of motivation that comes from within — that you want to nurture. What this means is that a team member that has an internal drive to work on a project because of their love for programing will work better than one that is simply in it for the paycheck. Here are ten methods for you to ensure that your team is ready and raring to go in all the ways that matter.

1. Make sure all the pieces are in order

There’s one thing about the intrinsic motivation that needs to be made clear right at the beginning: motivation can be nurtured, but it cannot be created out of anything. So before you think about how you can raise motivation levels within your team, you have to make sure you have a solid, capable crew of developers that can take on any challenge. The effects on motivation don’t end there, as members that drag the team down in terms of their lack of skill or failure to meet expectations, can end up causing the rest of your team to lose steam. Choosing your team carefully thus becomes paramount.

2. Keeping spirits high

Once you’ve got your team of reliable experts assembled, your task is to make sure that they have the right conditions to thrive. While there are several benefits to stress, there is more than enough of it within the life of a developer as it is, so there’s no need for you to cause more of it. To make sure those stress levels remain sustainable, you’ll need to have a lot of patience and empathy, so that you can prevent conflicts before they escalate. Make sure everyone is comfortable in their work environment to ensure productivity.

3. Encourage healthy communication

The language you use within the dev team environment can have a profound effect on motivation. If your language becomes too controlling, e.g. you use words like “should” or “must” a lot, you run the risk of the dev becoming more stressed and more disheartened as a result. What’s more, do keep in mind that the language you use as a leader will be echoed by the rest of the team to a certain degree, so if you’re losing language that is detrimental to the team’s overall motivation, there’s a good chance this will be further reinforced by others. Instead, consider asking questions. This will encourage your teammates to communicate more and make them feel more like they’re fully-fledged team members, raising their motivation.

4. Appreciate ideas

Motivated developers have a lot to say — don’t miss that! While you need a clear vision for where your project is going, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be open from new ideas from the others. Two heads are better than one, and you might find that your dev team has a couple of good ideas that will make your project run more smoothly. On top of that, the fact that you notice these ideas is bound to make them feel more appreciated, boosting their motivation further.

5. Get everyone on the same page

Nothing is quite the motivation killer is a lack of clear direction. If your dev team is working on a project that they have no idea is heading towards, they will not be working at their best. Everyone will have a different vision of the end goal, causing plenty of chaos and confusion, which will result in poorer productivity. Once again, communication becomes key. Make sure everyone knows where the project is heading and keep them updated whenever something changes.

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Ewelina Rzepka

Founder of Artising Creative Agency | Creating strategies to make the best possible solutions.