The Science and Strategy Behind Meaningful Events

Caspian Agency Founder and CEO Heather Mason on how to produce events that deliver strategic value to sponsors and attendees.

Hattaway Communications
1 min readMay 14, 2019


According to Heather Mason of Caspian Agency, a well-executed event not only leaves participants feeling inspired, it leaves the sponsor in a better position to achieve their strategic goals. Heather founded Caspian Agency in 2005 with the goal of helping purpose-driven organizations create more purposeful events. “The effects of a well-produced event,” she likes to say, “are felt far beyond the experience itself.”

On this episode of Achieve Great Things, we talk with Heather about purposeful event design and how science and strategy can make your events more meaningful for sponsors and participants alike.

Caspian captures that strategy and science in their proprietary “10 Essentials” methodology for event planning. The 10 Essentials help shape the Skoll Foundation’s annual Skoll World Forum and bring strategic focus to many other influential events.

You can listen to this episode directly here or through the player below. You can also subscribe to Achieve Great Things on iTunes here.

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Hattaway Communications

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