Navigating job titles

Aspire Inc.
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2018

One of the most important things you can learn in an informational interview is also one of the most basic: what’s the role really about, and how is it distinct from other roles within an organization?

Seems simple, but you’d be surprised. Landing the right first job can make a huge impact on your career trajectory as a whole, so it’s important to get it right. Understanding the distinctions between a product marketer and a content marketer, for example, can make all the difference when it comes to finding a role where you can really excel.

Start by asking about the day-to-day job duties. Where do they start and end? What does this role encompass that makes it unique? For example, if you’re interviewing an account exec in the tech industry, you could ask if their role requires them to study and communicate all the details of the software, or if they work with a technical partner.

You can also ask what makes his/her current role different from past work experiences. A quick look at her/his LinkedIn profile can help guide you to more specific questions, too. Ask how her/his role interacts with others in the department or with the organization as a whole.

Keep in mind that job descriptions can vary a lot from industry to industry, and even from company to company. A product manager at a tech startup may work very differently than a product manager at a retail organization. Your interviewee may have insight into these differences, or s/he may be able to recommend someone else you can ask.

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