The World’s Only Meditation App for Women Is Here!

Himani Sahni
Aspire Meditation
Published in
5 min readDec 6, 2020

The alarm shuts at the first ring, curtains open to let the sunlight in, and the sound of fresh coffee brewing up at the kitchen counter takes over the looming morning silence of the house, as what can be best described as the calm before the storm. Soon enough, three kids at their loud best run toward the kitchen to hover over the mom laying out the breakfast spread. Their packed lunches await alongside, and then there’s another adult who joins the chaos with their own hurriedness to be out the door after grabbing a quick bite.

This is how Rachel (34) remembers beginning each day. Once the morning is dealt with, she gets ready for her own stressful day at work followed by an evening of prepping dinner for the family of five. She can swear she doesn’t get a minute to herself from the first ring of the alarm bell to the last second of the day when she’s back in bed — all set to repeat the routine the next day and the next till the end of the week, when there are more household chores are waiting to be taken care of.

Sounds all too familiar, doesn’t it? I guess if we all just sit back and really pause, we’ll realize how it’s been a hot minute since we were truly just by ourselves. Society has glamourized the hustle and we love every minute of it, but something’s amiss in the process — joy! What about doing all of this and more each day, but with a happy heart, with a serene calm within us, that’s enough to take us through any chaotic day and still come out a winner!

And what can we do to get all that? Meditate! How do we do that in today’s busy age? With an app on our phone!

While there’s a bundle of meditation apps that claim to provide the respite you need, ask yourself — do they really understand you, your moods through the day, your emotional needs? Before answering that, come back and ask yourself whether or not your needs are the same every day. Say, when you’re having a quiet day at the house with work going seamlessly versus when it’s a madhouse with added work stress, and on top of that, your ovaries giving you a tough time on the first day of your period! (SMH)

There’s finally a solution (one that’s built for YOU!)

Of course, there is no one situation that’s ever the same when you’re a woman trying to find your peace. So, why should the solution be? Isn’t it high time that you — a modern woman have the right set of tools by your side to help you be your best self? Studies have proved the benefits of specialized meditation for women and maybe late, but here’s Aspire: the world’s first guided meditation platform for women.

On a mission to help every woman find her own peace of mind, Aspire, aims to make everyday mindfulness obtainable for all. Designed by women who actually understand a modern woman’s issues and are experts of mindfulness, the app offers personalized, mood-based recommendations backed by period tracking (coming soon!), that will take care of all your special needs through every phase of your life.

“I always catch myself missing in action often only when it comes to my own needs and aspirations, you know, like the art class I’ve been meaning to restart or the project I’m after at work, it’s all achievable but of course, I need to relax first — need a minute to breathe and come up with a plan to execute these things,” says Rachel.

Relax. Meditate. Aspire. Achieve.

Whether you are holding the fort at home or leading a group of colleagues at work, Aspire understands your need for peace and joy and encourages you to work toward your own aspirations.

Those put-together women we idolize and some days even manage to imitate — what is that they do differently in their everyday life that sets them apart? The answer is: they aspire. They aspire to become the best version of themselves and work on these aspirations every single day. That’s it. That is the magic of self-discovery. It doesn’t have to be complicated at all. Starting your own journey towards happiness by managing stress, moods and other aspects of your mental wellbeing don’t translate to getting up at 5.00 am and giving up everything you love. It begins with a simple promise to treat your mind, body, and spirit with a few moments of pure joy each day. And it begins today, right this moment with Aspire.

The app is built to ensure that you’re never short of ways to find it, even on the busiest of days. Over 200 easy-to-follow meditations across tens of relevant categories such as PMS Relief, Sleep Sounds, Pregnancy Wellness, and meditations personalized for different roles women play like Mom, Student, Entrepreneur, Grandmom — all work to bring you closer to who you really aspire to be.

No time to meditate? No problem!

Countless studies have shown that making meditation a daily ritual has been proven to positively affect the lives of many people. Even though the benefits of meditation are well documented, many people still have trouble remembering or finding the time to meditate. That all changes with Aspire, as it also offers meditations based on your availability with the majority of meditations on the app lasting a quick 10-minutes or less.

Think of Aspire as your ultimate cheerleader, confidant, best friend, and even a punch bag on ‘those’ days, as it understands you and your needs like no other app on your phone. Aspire helps you not just pass each day but live it to the fullest. Top businesswoman, an employee of the month, world’s best mom, the ultimate social butterfly, an enlightened being, or all of these at once — It’s the one app you need to become all that you aspire to be.

We at Aspire believe that Meditation is the margarita for the soul. In that case, Aspire is your friendly neighborhood bartender, serving good vibes only! So, why don’t you take the first sip and see how good it really feels?

