Developing Personal and Professional Growth in Entertainment

Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2020


Let’s face it. We work in a demanding and sometimes cut-throat industry! Working in this business can be overwhelming. It is easy to become overly accommodating and lose your sense of self. In order to succeed in entertainment, you need to be fearless. Here are some tips and skills to help you develop your voice and take command of your career.

  1. Get uncomfortable! Dive out of your comfort zone and try new things. You will be shocked by how much power you claim by simply doing something that makes you uncomfortable.
  2. Don’t make yourself small. Remember, you earned your seat at the table. Your ideas are valuable. There will inevitably be people that underestimate you so use your voice and make yourself heard!
  3. Advocate for yourself. Ask for what you need. If you want a raise, ask for it! Prove your value by presenting measurables. Throw out passive language like “assisted” and “helped” and instead adopt power language like “spearheaded,” “directed,” “initiated,” or “organized.”
  4. Stop apologizing. Save your “sorrys” for when you truly need to take responsibility. Instead reframe your language. Instead of saying, “sorry for the delay,” try “thank you for your patience.” Constantly apologizing diminishes your power. Establish yourself as a commanding presence and others will follow suit.
  5. Set Boundaries. Setting boundaries is difficult, especially when you are trying to prove yourself. But boundaries are essential. There is nothing wrong with going the extra mile. Boundaries can prevent you from taking on other people’s workloads, working overtime for no compensation, or even becoming your colleague’s personal therapist! So set firm boundaries with your boss and your team. It’s OK to say no. Healthy boundaries at work will help you effectively get your work done, keep things professional, and prevent you from burning out.
  6. Let Your Work Speak For Itself. Keep it simple. Show up, work hard, and focus on your own tasks. If you follow these guidelines, your work will speak for itself.
  7. Stay in your lane. It’s easy to get caught up in office gossip and drama. Especially in the entertainment industry. But when you are focusing on other people, no one is focusing on you. You are paid to show up and do your job. Keep your eyes on your own paper!
  8. Know you will make mistakes. First figure out how to best remedy errors. Second, ask yourself, “what is the lesson?” Third, move on! Try not to beat yourself up about it. Deconstruct the lesson, and move on!
  9. Communicate with your colleagues. They are not mind readers. If you need something, ask for it! If you have a question, use your problem solving skills and explore the resources at your disposal. If you can’t solve the issue at hand, ask for help. If you need to confront a coworker, view it as an opportunity to evolve. Employ tools of active listening and expect to experience the conflict from another viewpoint. Allow the other person to complete their thoughts before jumping in. Try to digest their thought process before you respond. Meet them half way. It isn’t about being right. Having a work environment with open lines of communication can elevate your team to another level of trust and productivity.
  10. Invest in self care. Whether you exercise, have a meditation practice, or go on regular weekend getaways, this industry is stressful and you need to decompress. Create a list of 5 short and long term practices to help reconnect with yourself. The stronger your self care practice, the more equipped you are to show up with a full tank, 100% present, ready to tackle the day.

I hope you find these tools helpful. They seem simple in theory, but they are not always easy to practice. These have taken me years to fine tune. Much of this, I’ve learned from meditation teacher, yoga instructor and coach, Ashley Shubert. Find a balance of what works for you! In time you will learn to strengthen your voice, create boundaries, and establish yourself as a valuable member of your team!

