Add RTL Support to WordPress Theme with Sass and Gulp

Ahmad Ajmi
Aspire Themes
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2016

At Aspire Themes, I always care and provide RTl CSS support for all WordPress themes, this helps many customers and website owners to provide and support more languages like Arabic or Hebrew, or any language that you can read from right to left (RTL).

I use Gulp as a JavaScript task runner to automate everything in theme development, things like Sass compilation, CSS auto-prefix, JavaScript validation, browser refresh, … and In this post, I will use gulp-rtlcss and gulp-rename plugins to generate the RTL CSS file (rtl.css).

I assume you have some experience with Gulp, Node.js are installed in your system and have WordPress installed and configured.

I will use the underscore as the base theme. You can download it and activate from the dashboard.

Then, navigate to the theme directory using the command line, like:

cd ~/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/wordpress-rtl-with-gulp

While you are in the theme directory, run the npm init command and follow a few simple steps to create a package.json file which will include some information about the theme and the packages that will be installed.

An example of package.json that you will get after finishing up the steps.

"name": "Wordpress RTL with Gulp",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Add RTL Support to WordPress Theme with Sass and Gulp",
"author": "Aspire Themes"

Install the required Gulp plugins:

npm install gulp gulp-sass gulp-rtlcss gulp-rename --save-dev

Next, create a Sass directory with a basic structure

├── sass
│ └── style.scss

The style.scss is the main starting point file, which will include all your components, modules, functions inside it based on your preference. You can copy the content of style.css file into style.scss or you can create your own styles, and in this case, style.css will be overwritten by your new styles.

Theme Name: Aspire
Theme URI:
Author: Aspire Themes
Author URI:
Description: Add RTL Support to WordPress Theme with Sass and Gulp
Version: 1.0.0
License URI:
Text Domain: aspire
body {
text-align: left;
direction: ltr;
.column { float: left; }

The next step is to create a gulpfile.js file and include the newly installed plugins and add the sass task.

var gulp    = require('gulp'),
sass = require('gulp-sass'),
rtlcss = require('gulp-rtlcss'),
rename = require('gulp-rename');
gulp.task('sass', function() {
return gulp.src('./sass/*.scss')
.pipe(gulp.dest('./')) // Output LTR (style.css)
.pipe(rtlcss()) // Convert to RTL
.pipe(rename({ basename: 'rtl' })) // Rename to rtl.css
.pipe(gulp.dest('./')); // Output (rtl.css)

The idea behind gulp-rtlcss is to convert all the CSS properties like floats, text-align, text direction, and other properties from left to right.

The second plugin is gulp-rename which will rename the file to rtl.css automatically.

In this step, the plugin will convert all the CSS properties like floats and text direction from left to right, then rename the file to rtl.css and then output the file to the theme root.

Now, run gulp from the command line.

This will generate style.css

Theme Name: Aspire
Theme URI:
Author: Aspire Themes
Author URI:
Description: Add RTL Support to WordPress Theme with Sass and Gulp
Version: 1.0.0
License URI:
Text Domain: aspire

body {
text-align: left;
direction: ltr; }
.column {
float: left; }

and rtl.css files.

Theme Name: Aspire
Theme URI:
Author: Aspire Themes
Author URI:
Description: Add RTL Support to WordPress Theme with Sass and Gulp
Version: 1.0.0
License URI:
Text Domain: aspire

body {
text-align: right;
direction: rtl; }
.column {
float: right; }

Notice that, left becomes right, and direction ltr becomes rtl automatically.

I’ve created a GitHub repo for this article’s WordPress theme and you can check out the code here.


Gulp makes the development process much easier than before, not only compiling Sass to CSS, or generating the RTL file, but for many other tasks like CSS auto-prefixing, JavaScript validation, watching files and much more, and I highly recommend to add it to your development arsenal.

Have you tried to work and generate WordPress rtl.css file before, what was your experience? If you use Gulp in your development workflow, which plugins do you use regularly and recommend?

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Also, if you are looking for a new WordPress, Ghost, or Jekyll theme, check out Aspire Themes 👌

Also published on Aspire Themes blog.

