More Words On A Page You Probably Won’t See

I Don’t Get Read For Lack Of Material. But I Don’t Really Know Why I Don’t Get Read 

J Cleveland Payne
2 min readFeb 26, 2014

I estimate I write at least 500 words a day, Monday through Friday, and Sunday. I estimate that I might average on a great week 1,500 to 2,000 words a day in a good week where there are busy news days, and all my breaks are filled with inspiration, Monday through Friday. Some of that gets published for my personal use. Some of it gets recorded as commercial copy. Some go to projects for the day job and the side hustle and get very little reaction at all. And some gets dumped into the shared folder on Evernote to use for future inspiration or revision.

Some of my writing is a test of brevity. I craft a weekly motivation/teaching message that is meant to fit in a tweet, 140 characters, minute the tag line ‘Welcome to you Monday,’ and a #WTYM hashtag if the space is permitting. My attempts to write full length books has been thwarted in the past with an inability to live with all the filler that is needed to turn what could live as long blog post into full length book chapters. This inability has not been completely overcome, but a new found shift in thinking has allowed me to transform some of my longer running short pieces and dead newsletters into 100-plus page books (I can thank the magic of varying fonts as well).

Putting words on paper, and now in the ‘cloud,’ has never been hard for me to do. Coherent and properly spelled words were once a bigger problem than they are now, but getting words and thoughts out of my head and onto a medium where they can be shared is something I don’t mind bragging about.

But chances are this is the first piece of writing you have seen of mine. Ever. It’s not for lack of publishing. It might not even be from lack of talent, although I often wonder if it is.

The simple answer to why you’re not reading more of my stuff is lack of proper marketing. Oh trust me, there has been marketing. But I am a firm believe that a lack of success in anything comes from doing more of the wrong things and less of the right things. More writing is always a right thing. Facebook sponsored post may not have been the right promotions model for my work, however.

So if you happen to be reading this, thanks. If you happen to think others would enjoy it, recommend. If you happen to have some advice on how to grow my readership, reach out.

And there goes another 450 or so words to the daily word count.



J Cleveland Payne

Producer of content working to make sure more of it is ‘better.’ Sees more failure than success. Learns from both. Tries to maintain