Oksana Pochapska
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2023


Extract Table from PDF using Python and Aspose.PDF Library

PDF is a widely used format for data sharing, but extracting tables from PDF files can pose challenges. In this article, we explore how to extract tabular data from PDF files using Python. While there are various Python libraries available for this task, achieving accurate data extraction can be tricky. We will introduce Aspose.PDF for Python, a powerful library that simplifies the table extraction process and enables accurate data retrieval within a few lines of code.

Extracting tables from PDF files involves dealing with complex layouts, making it difficult for standard text extraction methods to accurately capture tabular data. Specialized Python libraries like Aspose.PDF are designed to handle this challenge and provide efficient table extraction.

Aspose.PDF for Python is a feature-rich library for PDF processing and manipulation. Its user-friendly interface and robust functionality make it an excellent choice for table extraction. In this section, we will demonstrate how to install Aspose.PDF for Python using the pip command and set it up for table extraction.

pip install aspose-pdf

Aspose.PDF for Python offers various methods and options to ensure accurate table extraction. Techniques such as specifying table boundaries, handling headers and footers, and dealing with complex layouts will be covered to enhance data accuracy.

The given Python code snippet demonstrates how to extract and print text from a table in a PDF document using the Aspose.PDF library:

  • Import the aspose.pdf module to access the library’s functionality.
  • Load the PDF file named “input.pdf” using the pdf.Document() method and store it in the pdfDocument variable.
  • Initialize a TableAbsorber object named tableAbsorber to absorb tables from the PDF document.
  • Use the tableAbsorber to visit the first page of the PDF using tableAbsorber.visit(pdfDocument.pages[1]). This will parse all the tables present on the first page.
  • Get a reference to the first table from the list of tables found on the page using absorbedTable = tableAbsorber.table_list[0].
  • Now, we iterate through all the rows in the table using a for loop: for pdfTableRow in absorbedTable.row_list.
  • Within the row iteration, we have another nested for loop to iterate through all the columns in the row using for pdfTableCell in pdfTableRow.cell_list.
  • Inside the column iteration, we fetch the text fragments of each cell using pdfTableCell.text_fragments, which returns a collection of text fragments.
  • Finally, we have another for loop to iterate through the text fragments within each cell using for textFragment in textFragmentCollection.
  • Within this loop, we print the text content of each text fragment using print(textFragment.text).
import aspose.pdf as pdf

#Load PDF file
pdfDocument = pdf.Document("input.pdf")
#Initialize TableAbsorber object
tableAbsorber = pdf.text.TableAbsorber()
#Parse all the tables on first page
#Get a reference of the first table
absorbedTable = tableAbsorber.table_list[0]

#Iterate through all the rows in the table
for pdfTableRow in absorbedTable.row_list:
#Iterate through all the columns in the row
for pdfTableCell in pdfTableRow.cell_list:
#Fetch the text fragments
textFragmentCollection = pdfTableCell.text_fragments
#Iterate through the text fragments
for textFragment in textFragmentCollection:
#Print the text

After extracting and manipulating the data, we might need to export it to various formats like CSV or Excel for further analysis or sharing. Aspose.PDF for Python facilitates easy exporting of extracted tables to different formats, ensuring data usability.

Aspose.PDF also offers a free online tool, the PDF Table Extractor, which allows you to extract tables from PDF files. This tool is powered by Aspose.PDF for Python, ensuring accurate and efficient table extraction. Give it a try to easily extract tables from your PDF documents without the need for any installation or coding.

Feel free to delve deeper into the Python PDF library by referring to our comprehensive Documentation. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to post your queries on the Aspose forum.

With the help of Aspose.PDF for Python, extracting tables from PDF files becomes straightforward, even for complex layouts. This article demonstrates the step-by-step process to extract tabular data accurately using Python. By following this tutorial, readers will gain the necessary skills to handle table extraction from PDFs and efficiently manipulate the data for analysis or export to various formats.

