5 Underestimated Instances Of Unhealthy Boundaries

You need to close the pores, online and offline.

Hamna Labeeb
Published in
9 min readMay 20, 2020


Photo by Calvin Ma on Unsplash

The matter of boundaries and personal space is not a new one. Boundaries are meant to demarcate and keep away things or people who do not belong inside the fence. A fence is what it is and it has to be intact. What does a broken fence do? It makes the protected space vulnerable to trespassing. The same happens with unhealthy or porous boundaries in relationships.

Healthy boundaries are requisite for a healthy, peaceful, and content life. Healthy boundaries allow you to define yourself, understand who you are and what you need, and most importantly, help you realize what you don’t need. Healthy boundaries are necessary even in the healthiest and happiest relationships. It is the presence of a healthy boundary that preserves a relationship.

In this era of a small world and social media, healthy boundaries are getting blurred and damaged. Unhealthy boundaries have become so easy to form and a lot is taken for granted.

Generally, unhealthy boundaries involve:

  • Being open to anybody and everybody about your personal life.
  • Letting someone behave inappropriately to you and not reacting

