A Softer Place

A poem

Megan Minutillo


Photo by Scott Higdon on Unsplash

I hope you make this world a softer
place for someone else out there.

Someone who needs a gentle place
to lay their head and speak their
dreams and whisper their fears and
curl up in a warmth that has no
contingency clause.

Someone who needs an ear that listens,
and an open heart, and a hand that
extends — not through a sense of charity,
but rather a duty to community.

Someone who wants to carry the hearts
of others with the same gentleness that
they would give their own.

I hope you make this world a softer
place for someone else out there.

Soft, so that they may rest.

Soft, so that they may grow.

Soft, so that when they leap and fly,
they will not break their spirit as
they land.

How will you make this world a softer



Megan Minutillo

Essayist, poet, and theatre producer. I write stories about self-awareness, IVF, and finding your footing in life’s messy moments. Instagram: @meganminutillo.