America Is Sick: Where Have All the Humans Gone?

Rant from a concerned human who wants others to be human too

Russ W


Photo by David Beale on Unsplash

Sometimes it’s hard not to lose hope. When I look out at the world, I just see so much hate. Perfect strangers shower each other with rage and aggression every day. The anger has been simmering just below the surface for years, a lifetime in some cases, and current events and systemic dysfunction have offered the perfect opportunity for eruptions onto others.

The other day I was walking down Lexington Avenue on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. I saw two men swinging at each other and shouting. I almost didn’t believe it, as it was around 9 am on a Thursday. My biased assumption was that the construction worker started it, but I was dead wrong. It was the man in a suit, walking with his wife and pushing his baby in a stroller, who had attacked the construction worker for not wearing a mask.

It was a surreal moment. I felt as if I was walking in a waking dream. The behavior was simply so out of place and unexpected that I could not make sense of it. I will never know the details, but I saw pure rage and self-righteous anger on display. I believe that anger is simmering within us all, and I fear where the unbridled anger could take us as a nation.



Russ W

Addiction therapist with an alphabet soup of degrees. Writer. Creative. Human. Hit me up: