At Once

S. Wade
Published in
1 min readMar 6, 2020


At once
a thing of beauty
and of horror

a rolling drop of water
suspended in time

One small look of kindness
at the cafe in the morning
a single tear, brushed aside

That ocean of sadness
the sound of magpies calling
in the morning air

the overwhelming beauty
of raindrops on a windowpane

Days pass in muted shades
I have learnt to yield
now I rest and write my words

digging in the dark for those
seams of gold as I may
out of the darkness

I let things drop
find the company of books
channel dark beasts of music

black and heavy, or coaxing out
the soft wild things
with gentle lullabies

And always somehow that
remembrance of light
that simple fact of love

despite it all

that faith that body heart will move
and I find myself returned
once again into that light

Untroubled by the sound of birds
able to meet that kindness with a smile

despite the beauty and the horror
despite it all

© Simon Wade 2019



S. Wade

Father, poet, musician, certified coach, lover of all things good, true and beautiful. You'll often find me trying to love the rest of it as well.