Do You Know How to Get Back to Wholeness?

A Theory on the Brokenness of Human Beings

Greg Frankson


You leave a piece of brokenness behind in every failed relationship and life experience that doesn’t work out. The key to finding your way back to wholeness is to revisit those failures and hard lessons, gather the orphaned pieces of brokenness that you left behind, and reassemble them to reinforce your own mind, heart, and soul.

We as people are often guilty of making a fundamental mistake as we travel the road our choices determine for us — we think we are expert at sharing ourselves from the very first moment we start doing it. We don’t realize that we’re not giving people our hearts, as we naively imagine ourselves to be doing. Instead, we proffer a shattered leftover of our trauma that we mistake for the fullness of our hearts. We give these jagged-edged pieces of ourselves in the hope that the other person will honour them and keep them safe, but they’re actually weapons upon which that person will impale if they aren’t carefully stored. So it ends up in a box of keepsakes that contains broken bits of all the people, situations, and experiences that have cut us, and injured us, and wounded us.

The world is a better place every time one of us chooses to be unbroken



Greg Frankson

Poet, Educator, Social Commentator & Speaker • Presenting the vision that inspires others to positively change the world • raiseyourvoice[at]