For Nobody Should Be Left Behind

A poem

Megan Minutillo


Photo by Kevin Delvecchio on Unsplash

What if you spent more time pouring
your energy into who you are walking
beside, rather than focusing on who
is standing in front or behind you?

Perhaps you’d learn to delight in the
tiny victories of life more, knowing that
there is always someone who is there
to share your celebrations, too.

Or maybe you’d be at ease with sharing
your messy bits, for you know that the
ones who pop the champagne for your
celebrations are the same ones who will
bring you a box of tissues when you feel
as though you’re falling apart.


Or maybe you’d pay closer attention to
who was missing from your journey and
your home, and so you’d begin to pour
your energies into widening your road and
the doorway to your house.

For victories both big and small are
something to be shared; and life is far
more beautiful when you open your
home and your heart.

For we are meant to walk with another,
during the peaks and the valleys.

For nobody should be left behind.



Megan Minutillo

Essayist, poet, and theatre producer. I write stories about self-awareness, IVF, and finding your footing in life’s messy moments. Instagram: @meganminutillo.