It’s the Last Day of my Thirties

Here’s what four whole decades of living has taught me

Em Unravelling


I’m writing this on the eve of my fortieth birthday. I can’t quite believe I’m this…old. (I know it’s not actually old). Nevertheless, here I am. I’ve had four whole decades of living inside my own head, which — I won’t lie — is quite an exhausting place to be, at times. Here are ten of the most memorable things those decades have taught me.

  1. “Volumising” shampoo is not a thing. Don’t believe the hype. If you’ve got fine, flyaway, baby hair, like I have, then I’m afraid you’re stuck with it. Pretty hairstyles, clips and pins, bubble perms, curls, braids — those are for other people. Sorry.
  2. Scones are really easy to make but disproportionately impressive. You only need three ingredients and twenty minutes, and the less you knead them, the better they are. It’s magic.
  3. If you quite like the outfit in the shop mirror, you’ll love it at home. Shop mirrors are evil things, for reasons I’ve never fathomed. If it fits and you think it’s “quite nice” in the shop, buy it.
  4. Sunscreen is as important as the song says. It really is. I knew this already but then I went to a beach in Cornwall in 2012 before putting any on, and it reinforced the lesson very painfully. This lesson applies in a lesser way to night…



Em Unravelling

Lover of words, books, hiking, nature and big skies. Running is my favourite thing (after the words & the books). As feisty as I need to be.