Lessons From a Half-Century

What I’ve Learned and Where It Will Take Me

Jonathan Greene


Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

I turned fifty yesterday. I don’t enjoy birthdays. Not because I don’t like getting older, but because I don’t like the attention. I like things quiet. I can’t handle the noise.

It’s hard to fathom that I’ve lived a half-century. I still feel like a kid in a lot of ways. A sometimes sad, sometimes flatlined, monotone, extremely centered kid. I’ve learned a lot during my time on Earth.

These lessons from a half-century are not pre-formatted listicle bait. These lessons are part of my soul. Part of my effort to be vulnerable. Part of my own personal challenge to always be myself. They could be part of you too.

We ride this train together as it spins in orbit in space. We are more intertwined than you think. The more you think you are alone, the more you will feel alone. But just open a window. Read an essay. Open your eyes. Wake up. We are never alone in this world.

I hope my lessons are something you can learn from. Something you can drink in and ponder on a warm Sunday afternoon. Something you can benefit from in any small way. These are my lessons from a half-century.

We are just dust.



Jonathan Greene

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com