
Looping Time

Finding worlds within worlds on the forest floor

Aspen Blue
Published in
1 min readJul 26, 2020


Photo by Eder jesus on Unsplash

We’ve been here before
zooming in again
examining theses spores
their centuries within

A forest on the floor
a whorled world film
scales to examine
in permeable skin

Time stands still suspended
a microcosm damp
postcards from a rifted edge
of a perforated stamp

Carnivores pursue their prey
tardigrades do dance
hydras calculate their odds
to roll another chance

Lifetimes spiral outward
in endless cosmic loupes
replaying tapes of memories
unwinding living truths

© Aspen Blue 2020

Inspired by the writing prompt “Loops of Time” and this delightful interview with Bryologist Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer:

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Aspen Blue

Writer, poet, scientist, educator, humanist, autist; Published in: neuroclastic.com | follow @AspienBlue