Lost Realizations

We can always find again

Paul Mulliner
2 min readNov 29, 2020


photo by Erik Odiin on Unsplash

There are sometimes moments
of unexpected realization,
moments of clarity,
like when we met that day
with the ocean blown
into endless shifting motions
causing boats to rock and heave
against the ropes,
moments helping us know
life’s always woven
into a single conscious space
throughout the Universe,
and we’re all expressions
of something larger
than our thoughts and words
can ever quite reveal.

And then, as nearby leaves,
flurried by the restless wind,
threw reflections across a mirror
in a cafe, where we looked
into each others’ eyes
and talked about our day,
there are always moments of beauty
in the endless transience of life,
moments that breathe
the breath of the invisible
into our heart,
allowing our thoughts
to gently fade
like shadows on a sunny day,
revealing the soundless resonance
inside all life,
the inner conscious silence
expressing the truth,
the universal reality
of being human.

Moments when all of life
seems written in the wind
across an endless inward sky
and an unheard sound
lifts our heart,
dissolving all separate self
into the conscious silence
joining us into the stars
and each other.



Paul Mulliner

Writer and Designer based in London. Writing about intuition, consciousness ....