Master This Balancing Act to Reach Your Goals

And how not to lose your mind in the process

Pandora Domeyko


Photo taken by the author: Pandora Domeyko.

These days, everyone has an opinion about what it takes to succeed.

You must be enjoying the journey but see ten steps ahead. Tell everyone or tell no one. Be happy where you are but aim for the sky.

It is as though the world is telling us: You must do what you are doing well, and also start doing what you haven’t yet. At the same time.

All the conflicting information is confusing, overwhelming, and exhausting.

For a while, I allowed myself to be sucked into the spin-cycle of productivity advice. I worked my butt off for days, stressing about how fast I would get to the next step. Inevitably I got burned out and realized that the work I had done was rushed and passionless.

I soon realized that I was completely forgetting about one of my core values: balance.

It was then I decided to switch up my method. I sought the next step… but only after doing the current step right.

When I finally discovered that I could find peace in where I was in my process, rather than constantly rushing and pushing myself to start the next thing, my work improved. I was less stressed and less overwhelmed. And I started reaching each goal…



Pandora Domeyko

Writer and photographer based in Barcelona, writing about travel, creativity and all of life’s chaotic bits.