Stop Dress Rehearsing Tragedies in Your Head

You are missing out on precious moments of joy

Carrie Wynn


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There is a quote by Brene Brown that I absolutely love in which she states:

“Joy is the most vulnerable emotion we experience and if you cannot tolerate joy, what you do is you start dress rehearsing tragedy.”

What does it mean to dress rehearse tragedy?

Well, let me ask you this…

How many times have you played out the worst possible scenario in your head?

Many of us imagine tragedies occurring in almost every aspect of our lives.

We worry that our loved ones will get hurt. We worry about our jobs. We worry about our future. We worry about our spouses falling in love with someone else or cheating on us.

It’s the way that most of us are wired.

The reality is, instead of being vulnerable in order to allow joy to come into our lives we are living in the terror that it will be taken away.

When something good happens we immediately assume that it is too good to be true.

Instead of opening up to people, we live our lives with suspicion of everyone’s…



Carrie Wynn

❦ Writer/coach specializing in relationships. Blog: Instagram: carrie_wynnmusings Support by: