The Assemblage Newsletter #78


Jonathan Greene


4 min readDec 24, 2021


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Welcome to this week’s newsletter from Assemblage. These newsletters go out every Friday to highlight some of our top essays from the past week. As always, these are all friend links, so anyone can view them. Please click through on the ones that resonate and read the whole essay.

“Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not. When I see a person beginning to separate themselves from the pack, it’s almost always due to personal growth.” — John C. Maxwell

Assemblage is now an essay-only publication, with all of our poetry being published at Loose Words, but we will continue to feature published poetry here from our archives.

Featured Writer

Each week we feature one of our writers and several of their essays (or past poems) on the homepage underneath the Featured Essays, Featured Poems, and Notes From the Editor sections. This week our Featured Writer is Greg Frankson. Greg is a poet, educator, social commentator, and speaker presenting the vision that inspires others to positively change the world.

Featured Writer: Greg Frankson


Collections are groupings of essays or past poems with an overall theme. You can find Collections on the homepage underneath the Highlighted Essays, Highlighted Past Poems, Notes From the Editor, and Featured Writer sections.

Personal Growth features 8 different works from 8 different writers around this theme. This section is a great way to get acquainted with multiple works around one theme, as well as to find writers you haven’t read before or ones you shouldn’t miss. Take a look at our Collection this week and see what you may have missed.

Personal Growth features one work each from Bonnie Barton, Vanessa Torre, Jeff Barton, Jonathan Greene, Carrie Wynn, Wild Flower, Russ W, and Aspen Blue.

Collection: Personal Growth

Highlighted Essays From Last Week

Your Consciousness is Worth More As a Dead Slab of Human Behavior by Lance Baker

“The demands of the viewer dictate what the creator makes because the creator wants more engagement and followers. These energies combine and eventually the net output is the most effective dopamine hit for the particular platform — which typically means it gets shorter, flashier, simpler, and in many cases dumber.”

We Will Gladly Pay A Price For Success by Dave Roberts

“In redefining my personal beliefs about abundance, I have walked away from activities that no longer feed my soul. In doing so I have determined that the cost of my peace of mind is not worth the price I would pay to continue with unfulfilling endeavors.”

Neighborhood Christmas Lights by Megan Minutillo

“You can be the kind of human who chooses to extend a helping hand to strangers and loved ones alike — the kind of human who gives to charities without the need for applause and knows the perfect gift or treats or text to send to brighten a friends day.”

Highlighted Past Poems

Our highlighted past poems are a weekly homage on our homepage to our poets who wrote for us when we still published poetry at Assemblage. Although we are essay-only now, we love to feature a round-up of past poems for our readers. This week we have poems from Simran Kankas, Jessica Lovejoy, Elizabeth Williamson, Kara B. Imle, and Sam Kimberle.

Highlighted Past Poems
Photo by Sushobhan Badhai on Unsplash

As we move into a new year, it’s a good time to look back at how we’ve grown over the past year and how we plan to grow over the next year.

“You will encounter misguided people from time to time. That’s part of life. The challenge is to educate them when you can, but always to keep your dignity and self-respect and persevere in your personal growth and development.” — Bernice King



Jonathan Greene

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene |