Photo by Vadim Sadovski on Unsplash

The Flame Within

Lauren Josephine
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2020


The love you are seeking?
It starts from within.
It starts with a simple flame,
flickering deep in your center.

It must be tended to
so it’s not extinguished
by the winds of harsh voices,
or hearing no when you wanted yes.

You must protect this flame
and keep it burning bright,
because it is the source of you.
It is the shine that leaks from your eyes.

Flowers that spill out of your mouth,
honey that bleeds from your skin.
The love you have for yourself
is the healing nectar of the Earth.



Lauren Josephine

I write about dating, relationships, breakups, & emotions. NEW BOOK Looking for Something Serious out NOW! Instagram @lookingforsomethingserious for the latest