The Ugly Tree in Rockefeller Center is Everything We Need Right Now

What we stand to learn from the little tree that couldn’t

Vanessa Torre


Photo by Javier Gutierrez Acedo via Creative Commons

I have never in my life identified with a conifer. All of that changed the minute I took one look at the tree that will adorn New York City’s Rockefeller Center this holiday season.

Usually, the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree is a majestic specimen that is the most iconic image of a Christmas tree I know. It is lit to the hilt and celebrated by musicians, many of which are of the county variety which is weird for New York City, who gather for a television special so that all can take in the tree’s beauty.

That will not be happening this year.

This tree looks like 30 miles of bad road with a detour. It is the tree version of Monty Python’s dead parrot. If congealed, canned cranberry sauce were a tree, this would be it. It has been plopped out onto a plate with a thud that followed a weird suction sound.

This poor thing encapsulates all that is 2020, even more so than the actual dumpster with the letters “2020” on it that was lit on fire last weekend in Phoenix as a public art installation for us all to enjoy.

At this point, we are all just done. We are over it and so is this tree. It can’t even right now.



Vanessa Torre

Top 10 feminist writer. Writing, coaching, and relentlessly hyping women in midilfe. Email: