The Wonderment of Life

Stacy (Wurz) Alamond
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2019
Photo by Julie Johnson on Unsplash

As I sit here wondering what it all means, I am reminded that the only meaning life has is the one we give it. Life is not about sitting at a desk and getting paid for the things we think we need. Not until the loss of my child did I realize the true meaning of life.

Life is an early Saturday morning where we get to sleep-in and let the sun creep across our face while we snuggle deeper into our blankets with the one we love.

Life is the look of love our partner gives us and your heart freezes. In the moment you suddenly remember all of the reasons you ended the wrong relationships because they never gave you THAT feeling.

Life is holding a mini-me and smelling their new baby scent. You hold them on your bare chest and the meaning of being a mother washes over you suddenly like the greatest a-HA moment ever felt.

Life is watching your family and friends grow old right alongside you and grieving the ones who don’t.

Life is having faith in a higher power (whatever that might be to you) and trusting that we all have a purpose and will have an even greater purpose when our time comes.

Life is smelling every flower along the way, disrupting every silenced wind chime, and jumping in the leaf pile no matter our age.

Life is listening to nothing but the sound of running water and finding serenity.

Life is worth sharing with others even with the knowledge that life ends.

The most beautiful aspect of life is the fear of losing it. Only then can we fully live in the moment-in the present-in the hour-and in every second.

I have been asked several times if I knew the outcome of my son dying young, would I have changed bringing him into the world? The answer is no. Although I would have tried to change the circumstances of his death, the gift of simply knowing Him is the greatest joy of my life. We cannot appreciate beauty if we do not comprehend that the end is evident.



Stacy (Wurz) Alamond

Mother to Johnathan, Forever-4. Hails from Rome, NY.