Tiny Scraps of Paper

A Poem

Jonathan Greene


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

These tiny scraps of paper
hold the memories of my life
even when I don’t want them to
in their crumpled state
or pristine crispness
evocative of that time in my life
when I was crumped
or visually pristine,
which was always short-lived
because who can be a statue
without becoming stagnant

I write notes to myself as
a cross-stitching of my life
gently sewing myself together
with a handful of reminders
on what I had to do that day
or more so, what I had to become
to be able to look at my face
staring back at me in the mirror
that forlorn look of a motherless son
sliding off the edge of a mountain
and putting his hand out for help
only to realize that his dad was gone too
and no one was going to save him

Paper memories in tiny scraps
like a flickering light that won’t stay
long enough to let…



Jonathan Greene

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com