When Our Savior Never Came

A poem about dust and shadows

Bradley J Nordell
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2021


Photo by Hoach Le Dinh on Unsplash

I know your sweet and simple lies
I know your kisses and
backstabbing knives
I know tenderness
as you shattered my heart
as I did yours, long ago
when the world was still warm
and safe.
I know it all
not because I’m a prophet
or a man of tomorrow
but because I’ve been on this ride before
watching strong men break
men who should have been free
but bleed for your
disconcerted greed
And I know
the courage of a mighty
woman trembles
at the sight of true
in the bared teeth of misguided hate,
towards those mountains
no mere mortals could move,
but instead, she sat quietly at the base,
waiting for signals,
in the clouds —
knowing true leadership,
was in a mother’s
fearsome love.



Bradley J Nordell

Author, poet, quantum physicist, photographer, explorer of the mind and imaginary worlds. New book "The Second Sky" is available now!