When Providence Blinks

Dave Roberts
Published in
5 min readSep 19, 2022


Photo by Andrea Caramello on Unsplash

There is a song by REM titled“ Until The Day is Done.” One of the passages from the song is:

Providence blinked, facing the sun.

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy refers to a concept rooted in theology known as Divine Providence. Divine Providence holds that:

God is the creator of heaven and earth, and that all that occurs in the universe takes place that is, under God’s sovereign guidance and control. According to believers, God governs creation as a loving father, working all things for good.

My spiritual beliefs tend to be more eclectic, but I do believe in the existence of God. Over the years, I believe that Divine Providence has manifested in my life. However, I never regarded all the events in my life as being for my immediate, greater good.

What follows are the descriptions of three life events, one from childhood and two from adulthood, when providence blinked. With the first, the benefits of divine providence were immediate. With the last two, benefits were discovered only after a period of time elapsed.

The Blessed Vision Comes

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash



Dave Roberts

Adjunct prof., Utica University. Co-author, When The Psychology Professor Met The Minister, with Reverend Patty Furino. www.psychologyprofessorandminister.com