You’ve Had An Emotional Year, You're Allowed To Give Yourself A Break

Arlene Ambrose
Published in
6 min readOct 19, 2020


By Ylfan from Gify

At the beginning of this coronavirus pandemic year, I remember waking up with a tingling through my body that said, this is the most alive I’ve ever felt.

It’s not something I said out loud because it wasn’t about glorifying death and chaos, it was about becoming interested in life. It was about challenging beliefs, stretching the depths of who we are as humans, a sense of knowing our purpose, of empathy, and healing amidst sudden life changes.

This year has been the emotional rollercoaster you never expected. The kind that leaves you cliff-hanging with the anticipation of when it will start again.

You’ve lashed out at the very people you love in efforts to sort out your own emotions.

You’ve reclaimed emotions you weren’t aware of. Things that were bubbling unconsciously, but have spilled over to the surface.

You’ve come face to face with how you really feel about yourself. Your perceived lack, your hidden blessings.

This year has brought a lot of changes for you. This has been a year of self-discovery.

This year you’ve realized your thirst for love



Arlene Ambrose

Authour — I write for women who are getting ready to take big leaps in life.