We Are All Designers

Lauren Howell
Published in
1 min readMar 23, 2017

Design is everywhere. All the things we experience from complex digital interfaces, to social systems and structures, to the mundane items we often take for granted, have been Designed. It’s imperative as people who both create and use Designed systems and objects that we are vigilant against bad Design. Unchecked, it pervades our lives and prevents individuals and societies from reaching their fullest potential. However, if we are attentive we can appreciate and create thoughtful, usable and purposeful Design. Humankind improves through thousands upon thousands of small Design decisions, made over the course of generations. As stewards of the future, we must both question the Design decisions of those who’ve come before us, and strive to create a better Design for our world. We are all Designers.

Everything is Design. Everything! — Paul Rand

Illustration by me, created in Assembly for iPad



Lauren Howell

Founder of TinyBit creative studio. web producer, strategist, artist, Designer. I observe, appreciate, and create Design.