ASSEMBLE has Officially Registered their Trademark!

Exciting news for the whole community!

2 min readSep 17, 2021


The ASSEMBLE Protocol is a blockchain-based global point integration platform that exploits ASM utility tokens, whilst establishing a business ecosystem that can integrate, utilize existing points and miles with point providers, consumers and retailers.

Hello, readers! We are thrilled to announce that ASSEMBLE has officially registered their trademark! Now users will be able to easily identify the ASSEMBLE symbol wherever they go. It is our way of distinguishing ourselves from our competition. This way, we can protect against counterfeit apps that might pose a threat to our users.

Successfully Registered Trademark

The ASSEMBLE Protocol registered for their trademark on May 20, 2020. Finally, the result of that application has been released. On September 15, 2021, the ASSEMBLE trademark was officially registered! For more detailed information, please check out the official trademark registration card below:

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