Assemble Roadmap Update 2022

Check out what Assemble has planned for 2022

3 min readFeb 22, 2022


The ASSEMBLE Protocol is a blockchain-based global point integration platform that exploits ASM utility tokens, whilst establishing a business ecosystem that can integrate, utilize existing points and miles with point providers, consumers and retailers.

Hello, dear readers!

Today we’re excited to finally share the updated roadmap for 2022 with all of you! We have been working hard to provide a better product with more functions. We hope to make it more accessible to the international market so that our community can more easily participate in our events. Check out our detailed roadmap to find out what’s coming next for the Assemble Protocol.

2022 Roadmap Update

Hello, I’m CEO Park Kyu-Do of the Assemble Protocol. First, I’d like to say thank you to the community that supports Assemble.

A lot of things happened in 2021. The biggest achievement was our Coinbase listing. This would have been impossible without the Assemble community and we want to express our appreciation for always supporting us. Getting listed on Coinbase opened the door for lots of big opportunities.

For those who don’t know, the Assemble Protocol is a project that aims to resolve issues in the traditional reward points system and works to further increase the value of points.

In 2021, we experimented with many different things and received a lot of feedback and various concerns from the community. We took their advice and will improve Assemble in the future.

We would like to take this opportunity to share what Assemble would like to achieve in 2022.


Q 1–2

Develop Assemble 2.0

  • With Assemble 2.0 our aim is to allow users to exchange their credit card and financial points for digital assets, which are already easily distributed on the market.
  • The most common points in the financial sector are credit, debit, and prepaid card points.
  • Points Issued by 8 Korean Credit Card Companies: 3.1912 trillion KRW; Expired Points: 98.1 billion KRW (2020 Statistics).

Q 3

Aim to add stable assets to the point exchange

  • Currently, users who complete KYC can control their credit card and financial sector points.
  • Users can exchange their points for stable coins. (USDT, BUSD, etc.)

Q 4

Aim to add other digital assets to the point exchange

  • Fees incurred when making exchanges will be paid with ASM
  • An automatic exchange function will be added to prevent point expiration
  • No withdrawal time limit after completing an exchange

We will also add a function that lets users purchase points with cash sometime this year.

We are excited to share our roadmap for 2022 with you. Thank you for being with us in 2021 and supporting our project. We will continue to work hard to provide a quality product and great content. We wish you all the best in 2022 and thanks again!

Stay Updated with the ASSEMBLE Platform!

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