Empowering Participation: Roles and Rewards in the ASSEMBLE Protocol Ecosystem

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2 min readDec 1, 2023


Dear ASSEMBLE community! Last time, we provided a general explanation of the blockchain-based participant token reward platform. Today, we will discuss the members of this platform, their roles, and the rewards they receive :)

Members of the Token Reward Platform

In the participant token reward platform, it’s important how various participant groups contribute and receive rewards. This can be divided into three groups: community members, content creators, and developers. Let’s look at the roles and rewards of these three groups.

  1. Community Members:
    - Role: Community members interact and exchange information within the platform. They promote the platform’s activity through discussions on various topics, responding to questions, and providing feedback.
    - Rewards: Community members receive tokens for active participation and high-quality contributions. This value can increase as the community becomes more active and continues to grow.
  2. Content Creators:
    - Role: Content creators attract and retain participants by providing various and interesting content to the platform. This can include blog posts, videos, photography, and other formats.
    - Rewards: Content creators receive tokens based on the quality and popularity of their content. The more views or shares the content gets, the higher the reward.
  3. Developers:
    - Role: Developers are responsible for the technical aspects of the platform, performing technical roles such as writing smart contracts or enhancing platform security.
    - Rewards: Developers receive tokens for technical contributions. This is based on various technical activities such as implementing new smart contracts, fixing bugs, and providing technical support. Such technical skills are highly valued as they directly contribute to the platform’s technical achievements.
  4. These varied participant roles and their corresponding token rewards maintain the ecosystem’s diversity within the platform and drive its growth. Participants contribute to the overall platform by leveraging their strengths and receive corresponding rewards, motivating them to continue their involvement.

