How to Keep Your Points from Expiring

Billions of points expire every year



The ASSEMBLE Protocol is a blockchain-based global point integration platform that exploits ASM utility tokens, whilst establishing a business ecosystem that can integrate, utilize existing points and miles with point providers, consumers and retailers.

Hello, dear readers!

In today’s article, we are going to discuss the large amounts of points that expire every year. Points are meant to encourage users to stay with a certain brand, but they are often a source of frustration. It’s hard to keep track of your points and where you can use them. We’ll share some tips on how to manage your points and discuss Assemble’s solutions to the current problems in the reward point market.

Expiration of Loyalty Points

Point status of 8 full-time credit card companies over 5 years

Studies have shown that over 100 billion KRW worth of unused reward points expire every year because financial consumers do not use them on time. Experts recommend that consumers visit reward point websites regularly to check their point balance so they do not waste their points.

If you have points in Korea, you can access the Financial Supervisory Service’s site or the Credit Finance Association’s site to check the point balance for each of your cards. You can check the amounts of points you have left, the amount of points that will expire, the date they will expire, and more.

Some consumers may not know this, but you can convert even one point for cash and request that the amount be deposited in your bank account. When consumers are alerted to the fact that their points will expire soon, they often rush to the store to buy things they do not need so that they can earn more points, combine them with the points that will soon expire, and then use all their points to buy something else. This is completely unnecessary because they can just convert their points directly to cash through the aforementioned websites.

The expiration period for most credit card points is 5 years. Therefore, consumers should keep track of when their points will expire and use them at least 6 months before then. Credit card companies provide information about expiration dates for points through payment statements.

Of course, your points will disappear when you cancel your card. If you are planning to cancel your card, make sure you use your points first.

Cryptocurrency credit cards are encouraging more people to use cryptocurrency by offering attractive rewards and various functions.

There are many cryptocurrency credit cards to choose from. Some have better utility, while others offer more interesting rewards. In order to get a card, you may need to verify your credit score or deposit money into your account. Just like traditional credit cards, credit score requirements and fees vary from one cryptocurrency card company to another.

Assemble Points (ASM)

In order to solve the problem of existing credit card points mentioned above, Assemble plans to launch an Assemble-only card point in cooperation with banks. If you use the Assemble credit card point, you will be able to earn points and automatically convert them to cryptocurrency.

Users will be able to gather all of their points in one place so that they don’t lose or waste them.

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