Our Journey — from SmarterHi to Assertion



Three years ago, when we started, we were a bunch of naive folks trying to move from employee mode to taking our destinies into our own hands. We believed in the dictum: Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.

With that in mind, we set out to create a replacement for Skype and Google Hangouts — something technically better and promising a far better user experience — a much smarter way to say “Hi” to the world! Welcome SmarterHi!

And we succeeded! We succeeded in creating MeetEZ, a web-based conferencing and collaboration system that was genuinely far superior to those big boys! But there was a little catch — as soon as the product was ready, we came across another dictum: The truth is rarely pure and never simple. And we realized that we had built a better mousetrap but we had no way of announcing to the world about it, and that we had spend tons of time, effort, blood, and sweat on a fabulous piece of software but we had no business plan to take it to the world.


Time for another dictum: It’s not the code that counts, it’s the product. And we had created great code without creating a product around it.

Lots of thinking, lots of decision-making, lots of worrying about our survival and then we decided, it was time for a pivot!

And that’s when we decided to build ASSERTION — a thought experiment with tons of empirical input from some very experienced and capable information security folks who are dealing with some pretty challenging situations and are ready for some long-term solutions. Outcome — signs of success. Over the last two years, we’ve been able to deploy Assertion to help deal with compliance issues at some pretty large places — global, Fortune-500 organizations. It’s gotten to the point that we are known as “those Assertion folks”, so it’s time for us to accept what the world already knows — we are Assertion. The company name remains SmarterHi, so do the email IDs, but everything else changes — we are now Assertion.

The future looks bright, the challenges look amazing, the sun shines every morning and we love getting to work and seeing how else we can help our customers! Thank you for being with us!

