Before starting automation, you should change your mindset

Wellington Avelino
Published in
7 min readDec 4, 2019


Change culture not process

I’ve decided to write this post because this topic has surfaced time and again in many projects that I’ve worked on during my time in software development. It is a big misconception that automation is the root cause of issues in the QA process. However, it is my belief that in order to refine a process, the surrounding culture must be a supportive environment for it to grow and thrive.

In this article, I have detailed a few initiatives that can be followed and adapted according to a team’s maturity level and autonomy.

Common complains:

“We just need automation to make things better,” “Automation is the solution for us.”, “Just create more UI tests”.

Necessary QA skills

So let’s start with some self-reflection:

  • Is my team helping when needed?
  • Is quality a shared responsibility?
  • Is testing an activity?
  • If the QA is out sick, does the team know what to do?



Wellington Avelino

Software Eng, Testing, Build Tools, Crossfit, Cycling