5 easy ways to promote your Bitcointalk thread

Asset Rush
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2018

Conventional wisdom may have it that Bitcointalk has somewhat declined in terms of practical utility, but getting your ICO off the ground is entirely about appearances, and as a status symbol Bitcointalk remains an absolute must-have. Based on our experience at AssetRush, we decided to give you several rules of thumb on how to make your Bitcointalk experience rewarding.

1) First impressions count

· The title

Before people get a chance to carefully examine the description of your ICO, they have to choose to read your post among a plethora of other announcements. What stands out in an ocean of letters and punctuation marks is an image. So using a couple of nice emojis that will give readers a clue about your ICO is a great way to attract people who are interested in the product you are offering.

· The post

And again the visual presentation is what can help you make your message clear and strong. There is almost no chance you will be able to make your announcement memorable if a reader faces a solid wall of text. Be sure to create a beautifully designed and unambiguous image that will acquaint potential investors with your ideas and vision. Infographics and use cases can convey your message much more effectively than any words. Moreover, it is important that the big picture consist of smaller clickable bits, in case one decides to read your white paper or get more detailed information regarding different aspects of your ICO.

2) More hype

The principle is simple: the more hype there is around your announcement, the better it is. So do your best to invite as many readers as you can to check out your announcement. Furthermore, it is crucial to encourage comments and respond to them promptly, as every new reply brings the entire thread to the very top. In a nutshell, be proactive and trigger discussions, as it is the best way to keep your thread in the spotlight.

3) Guerrilla marketing

Guerrilla marketing is a powerful instrument in your marketing toolbox. What you need to do is mention your announcement many times on the forum, on any topic where it is relevant. Getting involved with these small communities will cost you nothing in terms of money, but will significantly raise awareness of your ICO and help you firmly establish your own brand. Needless to say, referring to the fact that you have a thread on Bitcointalk on other social networks would be a huge plus as well.

4) Let haters hate

On Bitcointalk things people say sometimes get nasty and the environment at times gets toxic. Haters gonna hate, so do not let them discourage you; rather, you should deeply appreciate their unkind words because they play right into your hands. How so, you ask? Well, even the most unfair and disparaging comments are still comments. Therefore, as mentioned before, they help to keep the initial post floating on top of the pile. People are spending their time and energy on you — value that. Engage with them as much as possible and provoke their verbosity (everything within the framework of decency, naturally) and thus, you will turn adverse comments in your favor. Conventional wisdom has it that all is grist for the mill.

5) Bounty

Although perhaps a bit less useful than they used to be, bounty campaigns are still worth running. Rewarding people in exchange for their likes, shares, posts, and token signatures is a great way to spread the word about your ICO and build up a vibrant community. So set tasks, offer perks, and yes, be sure to announce your bounty campaign in the Bounty section of Bitcointalk.

Final thoughts

Bitcointalk is a powerful marketing and community management tool which one should not underestimate or neglect. If wisely used, it can significantly contribute to the success of your ICO. At AssetRush we know this inside and out, so be sure to reach out to us to get some professional assistance.

Also, if you are an altcoin aficionado working on launching an ICO, you might find our articles 3 Cool Ways to Attract Investors to Your ICO and How to get your token listed on Exchanges? quite useful.

And yes, if you enjoyed reading this very article, give us rapturous applause.



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