Famous Writers’ Quotes For Writing An ICO White Paper

Asset Rush
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2018

If you’re thinking of launching an ICO, writing the obligatory accompanying white paper can be almost as labor intensive as the ICO itself. We decided to appeal to the sagacity of internationally famous writers to see what useful tips they might have to offer.

1. Know and understand your audience. – Pierre Berton

However trite this might sound, knowing and understanding your audience is the key to making any non-fiction piece of writing successful. So first of all take the time to think about the questions your potential reader will have in mind while examining your white paper and be sure to answer them. What is the plan and how will the raised funds be used? Is the product in demand, and is it feasible? What problems will be solved? What are some milestone dates? Who are the people behind the project? All these issues must be addressed in a well-written white paper, as a person has to understand who and what he or she has an opportunity to invest in.

2. Structure means knowing where you’re going; making sure you don’t meander about. – Joss Whedon

A coherent structure is the simplest way to ensure that you do not miss any important points, and that your audience stays engaged. The most common model consists of three parts. First, state a problem and the proposed solution to it. Then, give more information regarding the product, business plan and timeline, as well as technical and financial aspects. Finally, describe the team and advisors. The order can be changed; at the end of the day every product and writer is different. But creating a logical structure and sticking to is what will allow you to hit all the bases without your audience ever feeling adrift.

3. Read! You’ll absorb it. Then write. – William Faulkner

Well, this one is pretty much self-explanatory. Even if you have the writing talent of William Shakespeare and the business savvy of Richard Branson, reading what has been written before will greatly inform (and in the end, drastically shorten) your writing process. Thank heaven there is a plethora of white papers out there, so seeking out good examples should be quick and easy.

4. Try to be accurate about stuff. – Anne Enright

We live in a world where pretty much everything can be double-checked in a matter of seconds, not to mention the fact that investors are highly knowledgeable about their field even without Google. So if you decide to show some statistics or impart a couple of relevant facts, make sure that they are accurate. Even one mistake can undermine credibility, which is very difficult to restore.

5. Use good grammar. – Mark Twain

Another thing that can instantly ruin the favorable impression you try to form among readers is language. Typos, bad grammar, verbosity, and overly flowery sentences can make your white paper unreadable. While dealing with spelling and grammar mistakes is a no-brainer — you simply need a good proofreader — finding a balance between shorthand jargon and the need to be understood is much more difficult. A certain amount of specialized terminology is inescapable and helps establish your own expertise, but use it in moderation; it should not be all Greek to your readers.



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