How to detect a liar? Scammers send messages as crypto exchange support

Asset Rush
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2018
Lie to me, if you can

Scamming is a huge issue facing blockchain nowadays. According to the tech support fraud investigation , in the last year IC3 received around 11,000 complaints related to tech support fraud.

Imitators try to connect with ICOs via a phishing email warning, twitter, linkedin or telegram messages. These scammers may state that they are listing managers, business developers, or the technical or support team of the exchange. The consequences are quite tragic. Token representatives get tricked and lose their assets.

Dear crypto related person,

We don’t want you to cry on your pillow at night.

Here are some tricks on how to detect an imitator:

Verify all accounts via official website. Once you have received a message for security purposes it is important to contact the actual support team of the exchange website. In your letter, do not forget to discuss the problem properly by submitting the contact details of the potential scammer and taking a screenshot of your previous correspondence with the possible imitator.

In order to receive fast feedback from the exchange, you need to submit a ticket and choose an appropriate question type. The names might differ: “Security Report”, “Security Inquiry” etc. If there is no question type section on the website, be sure to briefly disclose the problem in the subject name for your inquiry to be delivered to the appropriate respective department straight away.

Warning exchanges about scammers is important not only for you not to get scammed, but also because cryptocurrency platforms try their best to detect fake accounts and provide correct information to users. This is why you will likely receive a quick response to your inquiry.


Pay attention to the email address. While you are waiting for a response from the official website, check whether the imitator is sending messages from a corporate email or not. Official representatives have corporate contact details. Be really careful and check the spelling of the email. Instead of “” scammers might type “”.

These imitators are real tricksters and they can fake emails quite easily. This is why it is important to check who the message was sent and signed by. If the message is delivered from the official support team, it will be sent by and signed by the official website.


Google the information about the sender. It’s the 21st century and you have the opportunity to find all the information about the person on Reddit or Bitcointalk. The victims there usually write notes about their sad experience.

Also, some exchanges present lists of scammers on the official Twitter or Telegram pages caring about your assets.

Huobi Official Telegram Account

Clarify all payment details, if the sender offers you the unbelievable opportunity to list your coin in the sale time for 1 BTC. While verifying his account be wise and ask what protocols are in place or which documentation the exchange requires for the payment services.

Usually listing managers, for data security purposes, ask you to fill in an application form via official websites or through certain agencies. Exchanges sign partnership agreements with marketing agencies they trust. That is why third parties like AssetRush may ask you to fill in the application form about token performance and ask for listing payment. In this case scenario you should always ask agencies questions about payment safety. For example, AssetRush uses escrow services and smart contracts to make secure deals for our clients.

After these tips we do hope that you will feel as proficient as Dr.Cal Lightman at lie detecting. If you still have questions, please drop us a line! AssetRush provides a full range of services from white paper preparation to listing on exchanges and websites. We are always happy to help you.



Asset Rush

Full range of services to list and promote your tokens, coins and ICO.