ICO Market 2018 Review

Asset Rush
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2019

The Future Is Bright… Or is it?

Looking back on the past is a great way to make predictions for the future. Although the cryptomarket sure can be volatile, mostly you can use it to make general predictions about the future of the market. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Let’s take a look at the ICO market in 2018 and see what the top takeaways from it are.

ICOs need more time to reach their benchmark

Whereas previously, ICOs could raise funds in a little more than a month, they now need around 3 months to raise adequate funds. This can be attributed, possibly, to the falling prices of Ether, bitcoin, as well as generally all cryptos. With the falling prices, it’s harder to reach the same goal as before because now you need more crypto. Or, this may be a testament to crypto enthusiasts general feelings towards the ICO. After all of the scams, people have grown weary and might not be investing as often, or they pick and choose the project they want to invest in because they’re afraid they might be scammed. Falling confidence in the ICO breeds less investment. So looking forward, it’s possible we could see the decline of the ICO as the main form of raising funds, or we might see the continued trend of longer and longer offering periods.

STOs are gaining popularity (Q4 of 2018 saw its popularity at an all-time high)

We’ve all heard of the ICO alternative, the Security Token Offering, or STO. STOs entered the market in late 2017/early 2018 and have steadily gained popularity and with every passing month hit a new benchmark. While ICO listings have been on the decline since last summer, STO listings have actually been on the rise, hitting an all-time high of popularity at the end of 2018. We expect great things from STOs in the coming year as they continue to grow and become more popular. As STOs are more regulated and backed by actual assets, the chances of them becoming the reigning method of crypto investing are increasing along with the popularity of these offerings.

Ethereum remains the top blockchain to launch on

Ethereum, without a doubt, remains the uncontested champ to raise your funds on with an 88% market share. The next closest blockchain is Waves, with a 2% market share. So you can see with that massive gap right there that Ethereum is the leader, and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Ethereum has taken the top spot because of the relative ease with which dapps, smart contracts, and other things can be developed. Because of this, we’re hard-pressed to see a change in this sphere. Expect Ethereum to remain at the top.

These are just three takeaways from the 2018 market that can speak for the future of the ICO and STO market. Basically, we expect the ICO to decline more, and the STO to rise.

But have no fear, whichever type of token offering you are interested in, AssetRush is always here to take your project all the way to the stars.

It’s our job to help your ICO or STO project get up and running in the best way possible! We know the market with which we’re working, and we constantly review it to be better.



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