Social Psychology in Understanding Customer Trends

Priyam Rajkhowa
Published in
4 min readOct 15, 2019

Social trends and learning enthusiasts!!

Social psychology is about understanding how each person’s individual behavior is influenced by the social environment in which that behavior takes place. In today’s world gender roles are becoming more and more blurred and it cannot be determined clearly if it is leading to anything progressive! Although, it can be understood from various sources that the normative gender roles like what is for men and what is for women is becoming blurred slowly. In this global world, individuals are freer to construct their choices in life regarding lifestyle, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors according to their choices. It has been made possible to a very great extent with the influx of information available in the internet. Also, the slow wipe out of the conservative norms of the society are being slowly replaced with more flexible and progressive norms that aims to sustain-ably grow.

Ordinary people tends to seek what is they consider is “entertaining”. On the other hand, extraordinary people seek knowledge. They also seek good quality education and learning. Most of the people who consider themselves as happy and successful associate it to their ‘love for learning’. This in turn leads to a successive life choices like desire for better lifestyle, less likelihood of engaging in ruinous activities and engage in poor decision making. They in turn have the will and desire to surround themselves with individuals with high intelligence, take part in intellectual activities, engage in activities related to fitness, come up with effective solutions to global world problems and also act accordingly on the suggested solutions. These people have the passion within them to quest for knowledge.

According to Sociology and Social Psychology, as the world is moving towards automation and artificial intelligence, humans are understanding the value of unconventional skills that would help them survive through any tough situation. The organic solidarity and the mechanical solidarity are growing weaker among human relationships day by day. There are multiple organizations who are willing to take into their arms these unconventional learners to make their base strong. In short, a global phenomenon is leading to better outputs in some way. It is helping in perfecting any organizations’ signature products and also helping them invent and discover new products which are unique in nature.

In this global era, gender stereotypes like women are good at multitasking and men not, are put under test and tried to be disproved. Men are now trying their hands on in multi-tasking. It is a product of their lifestyle choice as the society has rewired the conventional norms and expectations from the humans. Human are now acting more on their pleasure principle or their “id” impulses as they are aiming for instant gratification of their needs.

This puts various organizations in position to think about regarding how to modify their conventional demographic model of consumer behavior targets into more modernized and unconventional ones. There is no doubts that the market researchers and the product researchers are working on it but the real question is how well they are actually able to get the real trends in the society!! Many organizations are now aiming for producing products in a more sustainable and environment friendly way. The challenge is how the society or our mother earth would actually survive the war between the enthusiastic learners and the individuals working on their pleasure principle!!

To some, the basic social need of maintaining status in the society that they live in works predominantly. Is it the majority of population falling into this category and how would they be targeted? For the rest, the learning enthusiasts, whose psychological need is simple ‘indulgence without guilt’; how can they be targeted! Do they constitute majority of the population? How can the needs of both the groups of the world be merged? One example can be premium vodka that harvests sustainable water.

So, as of now how can on engage in becoming more of the learning enthusiast! Engaging in mindful activities, practicing self-love and acceptance, becoming more conscientiousness, valuing eudaimonic happiness more than hedonic happiness, balancing internal and external locus of control, growing resilience and wisdom, hope and optimism.



Priyam Rajkhowa

Psychologist and UX researcher by profession. Dancer, fitness, line art and food enthusiast who loves exploring human behavior everyday!