User Experience Research

“People ignore design that ignores people.” — Frank Chimero, Designer

Priyam Rajkhowa
3 min readOct 16, 2019


User experience research is defined as the systematic investigation of users and their requirements, in order to add context and insight into the process of designing the user experience.

These methods generate data and valuable insights that helps to plan activities that has to be done in a systematic, organized and a scientific way. Some attribution of research are that it has to be objective, must be able to control variables, should generate similar results when used other method, bias free and systematic.

Understanding and acknowledging that at various stages of product development, various methods are used, helps in conducting systematic research. These methods has to be appropriately selected and implemented. This ensures the product development is in the right path. Also, the product that is being developed has to meet the needs of the users who are in reality are going to be using the products.

A few things that has to be kept in mind regarding UX Research is that the planning of the research has to be done with a conscience mind and from the very first start of product development. Recruitment of subjects has to be in line with the objectives. Methods of inquiry at different phases of research should be appropriately chosen and the budget of the research should be considered as well. Early research and impactful product are positively and strongly correlated.

Broadly, research can be divided into quantitative and qualitative research. Also, there is a mid-ground that uses techniques and methods from both quantitative and qualitative research. It is called mixed methods. Irrespective of any research method, ethical guidelines has to be followed. UX methods of research has borrowed methods and techniques from various Social Science branches Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Cognitive Science, Economics, Political Science and the list goes on..

Qualitative research methods like field studies, observation, interviews, diary studies, ethnography, survey, case studies, longitudinal studies, etc. are used to discover and test the research questions. There are various methods of analysis of qualitative data like thematic analyses, mental model mapping, narrative analysis, behavioral analyses, etc. Quantitative methods like hypothesis testing, concept testing, etc. are used to discover and test research questions. The quantitative methods use statistical methods to analyze the data. There are cognitive science and neuroscience user experience research methods like eye tracking devices to get capture the behavioral aspect of the phenomenon. Advanced techniques like FMRI scans are undertaken to understand the emotional or the affective components of behavior.

UX research should aim to understand the affective, behavioral and the cognitive aspects of human behavior regarding products that would be designed for humans. These aspects can also be understood from a systematic and organized standpoint by using the right method of research and enquiry based on the research question. Depending on what the need is: explore, discover, test or listen; the research method has to be chosen. There are various methods in UX Research: requirements gathering, field studies, diary studies, focus group discussions, task analysis, journey mapping, user stories, competitive analysis, card sorting, in-person usability testing, remote research, analytics review, search log analysis, etc.

Trained experts are required to conduct the research. Every human has their personal world view which comprises of their mental schemas of attitudes and beliefs; the genes, brain and its nervous system; and memories or experiences that are the product of interaction with the environment. It tends to make any human being prone to bias. Trained experts help to conduct research with the minimum bias possible. Also, personality character traits like conscientiousness and social needs like need for justice also helps in determining bias free research output.



Priyam Rajkhowa

Psychologist and UX researcher by profession. Dancer, fitness, line art and food enthusiast who loves exploring human behavior everyday!