Stop Setting Yourself Up For Failure

Spencer Kier
Assorted Randomness
1 min readFeb 19, 2019

We claim we want to succeed, but you wouldn’t know it by our actions. We say we want to change our lives, but we don’t take the necessary steps to do it.

Success takes sacrifice, and sacrifice takes breaking bad habits. And breaking bad habits takes self-control — or at least, if you’re like me and lack self-control, it takes foresight and planning.

Want to lose weight? Don’t keep junk food in the house. Want to learn a new skill? Get rid of your Xbox. Want to start a side hustle? Delete Instagram.

Stop setting yourself up for failure and pretending you’re disciplined enough to do the right thing. You’re not that strong, and it’s OK. Instead, make upstream lifestyle decisions ahead of time.

Make success your only option.

Originally published at on February 19, 2019.

