
6 Simple Steps to Setup a MetaMask Wallet

DeFi Noob? No worries, we are here to help you setup your wallet.

Assure DeFi
Assure DeFi


Assure is a Safety-As-A-Service (SAAS) provider focused on bringing a suite of unprecedented safety products to the DeFi industry.

MetaMask is an Ethereum wallet that holds the Ethereum coin as well as other ERC20 tokens like RFI and other compatible tokens.

Note. DO NOT SEND BITCOIN OR ANY OTHER NON-ERC20 TOKEN. If you do, you will lose what you sent.

Only use Ethereum and ERC20 tokens on your MetaMask wallet, everything on Uniswap is 100% compatible.

Before we start, please don’t hesitate to ask questions on our telegram ⬇️

STEP 1 | Download Metamask

To set up your brand new MetaMask wallet you need to download it on your favourite browser as an extension.

Hit the download button and on your browser of choice. Ours is Brave Check below.

Next, you will be taken to the Chrome Web Store.

Click the “add to” button to start your download.

If installed correctly it should turn up on your extensions bar.

Our favourite and most secure browser is the Brave Browser.

STEP 2 | Create a New Wallet

At the first screen, you will have the option to back up a current wallet using a seed phrase or the option to create a new wallet.

Here you want to select “Create a Wallet

STEP 3 | Create a Secure Password

Next, you will be asked to create a new password for your account, which you will need every time you sign in-to your wallet.

Make sure it’s a strong password that you will remember and store it in a safe. Please, not in plain sight on your phone.

STEP 4 | Back-up your Seed Phrase

Next, you will be presented with your seed phrase.

This is one of the most important parts so please don’t rush this.

Click on the box which says “Click here to reveal your seed phrase”.

Write down these 12 words on a piece of paper or note them down somewhere secure on your phone.

It's a priority that you keep these safe, as if you lose access to your wallet (like your computer breaks) you will not be able to gain access to your funds again without this seed phrase.

To put it simply, no seed phrase — no funds.

So keep it VERY safe and out of the hands of anyone you wouldn’t trust.

Once you have noted down your seed phrase press “next.

On the next page, you will need to enter your 12-word seed phrase in the correct order. Finish that and press “confirm.

STEP 5| Your New wallet is created!

You have created your new wallet.

Now in your browser at the top right-click the “jigsaw” like icon.

Here you will see the MetaMask icon, when you click on this your shiny new wallet will appear.

STEP 6 | Add a token.

Even if your wallet has tokens in it, sometimes it won’t appear, this means you need to add a token contract to your wallet so that your tokens appear.

Click “Add Token” at the bottom.

Add Contract Address

Click “Custom Token”.

For example, we will use the UNI contract address.

Copy and paste the UNI contract address in the token address input ⬇️


You should see UNI appear in the box below which is labelled “Token Symbol”. Press “NEXT” and then “Add Tokens”.

*If you don’t know where to find the token contract address, you can probably find an etherscan.io link to their token address like this on their official website https://etherscan.io/token/0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984.

All Done!

Now UNI has been added to your MetaMask wallet and it’s ready to go, Congrats!


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Assure DeFi

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